MCG cants and meme


This article is a translation of page MCG梗·黑话·成句.

Notice: This kind of pages should only be used for reference. Do not treat it as an authoritative explanation.

Warning: Some nicknames below of some characters may cause other players feel uncomfortable. Please use them with caution.


Locations and transportation[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Monsters and instance dungeons[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Embed Items[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Refer to 镶嵌系统.

  • 樱花石:樱华琼琚
  • 头角:年兽头角
  • 岩辉:岩辉珺璟
  • 探究:探究之石
  • 风灵:风灵的眷顾
  • 鹰眼:咒痕的鹰之眼
  • 神赐:神赐的魔法石
  • 布条:防护布条
  • 鞋垫:保暖护踝

Weapon system[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • 肝武:说来也怪,我去百度上搜索“肝武”,出来最多的是FF14……


目前MCG中的肝武有 岩宫千鹤、王牙剑·渊源·能量增幅·炎、枯骨魂樱杖冰核结晶杖星海蓝宝石等。

Alchemy Items[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Skills[编辑 | 编辑源代码]


  • 汲取:魔力汲取,有时也指生命汲取
  • 抗拒:抗拒光环
  • 冲击:元素冲击
  • 护符:魔法使的护符
  • 大毅力:战士的大毅力
  • 力解:力量解放(初级/上级)
  • 解放:王牙剑解放
  • 渊源解放:王牙剑渊源解放(特指需要15温热余烬的,即进入到爆炎解放状态)

Others[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

  • mfs: Mostly means the sorcerer profession. Sometimes it also refers to the hidden sorcerer.
  • 金 / 木 / 水 / 火 / 土 / 日 / 月法:指使用对应元素的魔法使
  • 敏 / 力剑:指使用对应流派的剑士
  • 敏 / 力高:敏捷流派与力量流派的高阶技能
  • 魔剑士:特指卡了剑士武器的魔法使
  • mls: Refer to the convoy mission to the Myouren Temple mostly. Sometimes it may also refer to Marisa or the Myouren Temple itself.
  • mcg: Refer to the server or the npc at the South Gate.
  • qhm: 祈华梦联动 activity
  • qxy: 栖霞园联动 activity
  • 雀食联动/雀食: 夜雀食堂联动 activity
  • 土豆: Refer to the hardware part of the server itself. (This word will be commonly used when the server is experiencing a lag or an unplanned restart.)
  • 粪箱:在人类村落前往博丽神社的道路旁随机刷新的箱子,若随机打开有很小可能获得50文钱(失物箱),否则则是对玩家造成较高的伤害和负面状态(废料箱、污水箱),因此被称为粪箱(注:无敌技可档伤害,但也会收到debuff)
  • xx 顶了: Refer to a teleport failure phenomenon, which caused by several players execute tpa command to a single player. This will cause all players' tpa commands fail except the last one sending it. Under this phenomenon, the player willing to teleport should type in the command again.
  • TW / T W: "Teleport to me".
  • zbj: Refer to capitalist, which means players who have a lot of money or act like a capitalist.